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Two army have surrendered news did not take long to pass Yang Xuangan ears. Yang Xuangan originally stood at the military high platform overlooking Xu Hu at the war from afar, thought myself how would a setback setback Meng Galaxy elan, let ugg boots a thousand soldiers to not return, but things are not as ugg outlet wish. Etc. sent to check it out when you hear all the reports of military intelligence soldiers, have been forbear not agitated Yang Xuangan finally moved his lips, slowly release the clenched fist, and then, in a very unusual manner fierce pull yourself waist sword, waving a knife to cut the messenger soldier kneeling in front.

Then deserted when I did not frowned, now can we allow others to see cheap uggs Yang Xuangan joke ? Yubi case, in a short time, their most dependable two generals are facing defections, Yang Xuangan not been overthrown but full of energy to restore the situation a little firm. ugg outlet Immediately return Jun Zhang, now about two army had surrendered their case all the way to this backbone has no protection will inevitably be defeated in one fell swoop, cutting ugg outlet 'd never decisive, and immediately let the army back to the Manor House Road, a few miles around the place to build fortifications, waiting to come to increase momentum border troops, by that time, ugg outlet already determined, without delay to prepare and fight to the death Meng Galaxy.

Outcomes expected. Retreat that is decisive, and no clear-cut demonstration of Yang Xuangan indeed a closed heart solitary guy, in the case of the loss of two generals, and ugg outlet can retreat without any emotion, but also to learn Meng Galaxy word, used in any grasp the reins of the staff are not wrong, it is a major event, it must be hard on yourself. With Yang Yu Xu Hu duo join, Bangladesh had only more than thirty thousand Galaxy team, all of a sudden grow to more than 50,000.

