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Shi Jun reason in the minds of these two battles will be re-set, as is the ability to find and solve problems. While doing this, is not able to upgrade babyliss perfect curl vindictive, increase strength Babyliss 's. But it can grow Babyliss combat experience, so that the strength Babyliss get promoted ! The whole process of recovery disk, but also spent nearly half an hour. After this, Shi Jun is finally in bed, close your eyes and go to sleep. This sleep Babyliss sleep well, slept until dawn. When Shi Jun woke up, felt my body Babyliss muscles are slightly sour.

Shi Jun jumped out of bed to the activities of the limbs, so that sour feeling slightly diminished a little. babyliss pro perfect curl Secretly shook his head and said: Babyliss 's body seems to be further strengthened. Yesterday evening the set of underwear, since contaminated with blood and mud, it is already not a dirty look, so after getting Shi Jun, louis vuitton handbags immediately put on a clean underwear and socks. Babyliss Ready in time to push out the door, an enticing aroma of food, but it is to penetrate the cracks of the door, nostrils. Shi Jun could not help but provocative sniffed up : ah - smell like a sprinkle of chopped green onion omelette fragrance, it seems there is steaming milk.

No, Babyliss 've got to wash, then buy breakfast treat Babyliss poor stomach ! Shi Jun hurriedly opened the bedroom door and strode to go out. Shi Jun seen in the scene inside the living room, the whole people could not help but be stunned. Already rustling in the living room of the. At this point her waist being tied a plaid apron, holding a frying pan left, right hand holding a shovel, open-plan kitchen is busy, it looks as if that is a housewife dress. And there goes the table in the living room above, already stood milk, fried eggs and bread, etc. breakfast. http://ssradio.com/wp-babylisscurl.php


